Saturday, October 24, 2015

The Rise of E-Sports

Wazzup homies... glad to see you made to this post.. now here's a kawaii Luna & Nova

When you get an arcana items after winning a match....

For this entry, I just wanna share with you guys out there about the revolution of electronic sports (or simply E-Sports) and the acceptance of E-Sports into the begins a new age of knowledge (Invoker,2015).

oh did I tell you to bring a fan with you, cause things are about to get hot 

IB and Me

안녕하세요 !!!!

When sempai notice you be like...

                hey you.. yeah the one who read this text.. you are amazing (^0^) (^0^) (^0^) (^0^)

As promised, I will be writing about the International Baccalaureate or simply known as IB for this entry. I hope you guys out there can “bear” with me cause….. (look down now)

this gon' be good........

So, long story short, IB, is a non-profit educational foundation offering four highly respected programmes of international education that develop the intellectual, personal, emotional and social skills needed to live, learn and work in a rapidly globalizing world (IBO, 2015). If you are intrigued by the previous sentence, please do go to   to find out more cause I will not be splling more details ( it would take approximately more than 10 pages for me to describe the foundation in-depth and NO I don't have time for that hahahaha)

IB was founded in 1968...seems legit :D

Before we go deeper into the unknown, let me assured that you guys bring a pacifier, because things are about to get spoookyyy….

when you going on an adventure but u have exams tomorrow..

Just kidding, there is nothing special when you are taking the IB programme, apart from learning 6 different subjects comprise of Languages, Social Sciences, Pure Sciences, and Mathematics (or is it ? ? ? ). The advantage that you will get when taking this programme is that you are at liberty to choose between Standard Level (SL) or Higher Level (HL) for each subject (the minimum HL subjects that you must take in order to get the diploma are 3..looks pretty easy am I right?? Or is it not?? ) 

Oh.. did I mention that u need to complete a 4000 words for Extended Essay (EE) and also a 1500 words for Theory of Knowledge (TOK) before the final semester end to get that diploma and also there are classes 5 days a week?? And quizzes, Internal Assessments (IA), and last but not least, CAS (Creativity, Action, Services)… Guess not..

From my perspective, the IB programme is like a portal to the life at university since the workload is pretty much the same and it allows you to cope with problems naturally and plan your schedule efficiently (meh… liess bij…it’s all liessss).. 

Therefore, ever since I’ve had stepped my feet on this university, I felt the same sensation as I was in the IB (the environment, the classes, food court), except for the fact here, there are many girls…or should I said women (confused) compared to us men. ..haha
Guess I’m gonna have to take some time getting along with this new variable into my life so that the balance will prevail…

Below is a quote that I took from a website that I forgot to cite... 

By the way IB is very serious when it comes to plagiarism.. So be a credible HULK will you??

“The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.” (Shakespeare, 2015)

Well peeps, this is the end of my entry. Hope you guys enjoy and have a good time !!! XD

              Auf Wiedersehen, Amigos

Friday, October 23, 2015


Minasan, konnichiwa !!!! (   ^0^)

Since the evolution of mankind and the rapid spread of information via technology that we had achieved during the early 21st century, the world today has overcome many challenges and we as future leaders of the new generations must be totally ready with the upcoming challenges and threats so that we are prepared to make a precise decision and well-planned actions.

Moving we perceived the world (oi Oii dah dah la speaking omputih tu !!!!)

K fine.. haha jk jk.. sebenarnya ni pon first time aku tulis blog ni..nak cakap buta IT tu x de la sangat sbb hari-hari ngadap Dota2 x pon main Assassin Creed (AC for short peeps XD) sampai mata bengkak.. tapi tu cita lepas aku habis grade diploma IB. (kalau korang nak tahu ape bende la natang IB tu kene la tunggu blog entry yang seterusnya haha)

Oh lupa plak nak memperkenalkan diri hamba yang lemah di sisi Tuhan ni (acah alim je aku ni)... nama diberi (boleh tengok dekat about me kat sebelah kanan yang ade tulis "view my profile").. asal Perak je dan yang bestnya yang life bagi kat aku ni is that mana-mana tempat yang aku jelajah untuk menambah ilmu di dada ni semua dalam negeri ni je..


aku punye primary school dekat SK Methodist Parit Buntar ( cakap aku hang ja sebab borderline dgn Kedah je ).. then bila masuk high school dapat la tawaran ke MRSM Lenggong.. tempat ni dah la memang dekat Hulu Perak so first impression aku memang tempat ni penuh hantu la (some said it's true)..jadi aku pon prepare-kan lah diri dgn senjata yang terbaik bagi seorang Muslim, yakni Doa je. haha...

Moving on lagi, lepas semua kawan-kawan aku dapat masuk matrikulasi (time ni aku mereput kat rumah x buat ape ape), aku dapat tawaran belajar untuk program diploma International Baccalaureate (ni la IB yang aku cite kat atas tu) dekat MCKK.. pon di Perak jugak :P.. last2 family aku cakap aku ni x leh lari dari Perak...entah2 jodoh pon orang sini gak ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (IYKWIM)..

Dah habis mereput time IB, barulah aku dapat keluar dari negeri tercinta dengan mendapat tawaran kemasukan ke Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia..aku pon rase best sgt sebab baru dapat merasai bagaimana suasana luar yang tidak diketahui keadaanya secara sempurna apabila kita mula melakukan langkahan keluar permata dari zon selamat yang telah sekian lama dihuni dan dikasihi namun (oi oi ni pehal kau macam nak berpuisi pulak kat sini satgi DBP bace karang masuk newspaper article kesusatseraan Melayu pulak!!)

hehe.. sorry2 dah lama x bagi rangsangan kat otak ni takut gear sangkut.. hai dah masuk UKM kene la memperkasakan bahasa ibunda yang tercinta ni.. baru la bangga jadi warga Malaysia sket.

So let me begin with the reasons why I create this blog -
(puiii  belah la tadi cakap nak perkasakan bahasa Melayu..mangkuk punye budak)

1. It is one of the tasks given by my lecturer, Dr Zaliha bt Yazid (she's super awesome) and I have to do it by hook or by crook in order for me to pass this subject with flying colors.

2. the first reason is the most legit and the only reason I write this blog and if you are still reading this text means that I have wasted approximately 20 seconds of your life (DEAL WITH IT)

Nonetheless, I think that blogging is quite fun since you can write just about anything and everything without any interference from the notorious GRAMMAR NAZI ( heil GraMMurrr).. I think I should end my points now since it is clearly I wrote more than 100 and I think that I must end my blog with a.........................................(ง ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)ง



If u cant handle me swag, u just gotta (Deal with it Scrubs XDDDDDDDD)